The Allen Family History

The Allen Family: (back L-R) George, Jim, Harold, Stan, (middle) Len, Sarah Allen, Jesse Allen, (front cross-legged) Herb, Abe
George Allen married Sarah Ann Horton in 1848 and they lived in Astwood, Buckinghamshire. They emigrated to Australia in 1853 on the “Lady Kennaway”. They had thirteen children, two born before the emigrated. Their third child Mary was born on the voyage, they gave Mary a middle name after the vessel, which was common practice at the time.
George and Sarah farmed in the Barrabool Hills near Geelong. Their fifth child Jesse Allen worked for the Mountjoy family in Highton, Geelong and in 1875, at the age of eighteen, he came to Lorne and established a market garden for the Mountjoys (on the land now known as Kia-Ora caravan park), supplying produce for Erskine House. In 1880 he took up his selection on the George River, which is known to this day as Allenvale. His brother William came to Lorne to assist with the establishment of the farm at Allenvale.
Both Jesse and William married Anderson sisters. Jesse married Sarah Anderson in 1884, the first marriage in the newly located All Saints Anglican Church. William married Charlotte Allen in 1897.
Thomas Allen who married Mary Swayn in 1889 established Ozone House, a guest house in Lorne.
At Allenvale the family established an orchid, grew vegetables and hops, supplying the hospitality venues in Lorne with fruit and vegetables. Also established was the Raspberry Cottage tea room, which was popular amongst visitors to Lorne walking to the Henderson and Phantom Falls along the Gentle Annie track.
Jesse and Sarah’s son Abe, who with his wife Marg and son Ron, took over the running of the property, establishing a nine-hole golf course on the hill where the land was cleared for the hops. This was Lorne’s only course until 1968.
William and Charlotte Allen are the grandparents of Gary Allen.
(Source: Gary Allen 2024)