Lorne Guesthouse, Kia-Ora

Kia-Ora, 9 Clissold Street (originally the street was named Torquay Road) was built in 1914 for Sam and Isabella Clissold as a private home that provided accommodation to timber cutters and coach drivers.  In 1920, it became a guesthouse and later it included Glenora, a guesthouse next door, and the buildings combined to become Kia-Ora.

Sam and Isabella had eleven children and all six girls worked at the guesthouse.  Sons Sam and Les Clissold both served in WWI, with Sam dying from wounds inflicted at Gallipoli.  Sam is buried in Egypt and Les returned home, but he sadly never recovered from his battlefield experiences.

Across the road, where the Lorne Lions Village is currently located, Kia-Ora had a ballroom, lockable garages, a croquet lawn and two tennis courts. The guesthouse was managed by Darryl and Lorna (née Clissold) Mousley until it was sold and demolished in the late 1950s.  Darryl and Lorna went on to establish Darrell’s Barbeque at Stoney Creek.


  • Dr Sandra McComb, Lorne 2024
  • Greetings from Lorne by Leigh Hammerton